
Enhancing human agency in military AI governance

On 1 June 2024, the AutoNorms team has started a new policy-related project called AutoPractices. The purpose of the AutoPractices project is to initiate and accompany a process of social innovation to govern autonomous and AI technologies (AIT) in the military domain from the bottom-up. The project aims to do this through addressing the practices of design, of training personnel for, and of using AIT that diverse stakeholders perform. Current practices have the potential to diminish or reduce the quality of agency that humans can exercise in decision-making around the use of force when using AIT. 

The AutoPractices project aims to co-create a set of best practices with stakeholders in the form of a practical toolkit to sustain and strengthen human agency and accountability in AIT. For this endeavour, we approach stakeholders across diverse professional backgrounds and geographies. 

AutoPractices is a Proof of Concept (PoC) project funded by the European Research Council. For AutoPractices, the AutoNorms team will collaborate with Dr Alexander Blanchard at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Shimona Mohan at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR, in her personal capacity), and Ariel Conn (expert member, Global Commission on Responsible AI in the Military Domain). AutoPractices runs from June 2024 until December 2025.

Stay tuned for updates on the AutoPractices research.

AutoPractices is part of AutoNorms and is funded by

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1 November 2024

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