Reflecting on the Future Norms of Warfare

[The following essay builds on a contribution submitted by Ingvild Bode to the RUSI/HRI project ”The Future Rules of Warfare”. The essay reflects on how current norms of conflict and warfare might be changing.] The legal norms enshrined in the UN Charta, as well as associated legal frameworks such as the Geneva Conventions, the International […]

Russia’s Perspective on Human Control and Autonomous Weapons: Is the Official Discourse Changing?

For many years, Russia’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) has been developing and testing different weapons, vehicles and systems using Artificial Intelligence (AI). This has been with the goal of modernising the Russian Armed Forces by gradually removing humans from military tasks. The Russian leadership, both political and military, has a visibly strong interest for weapons […]

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence and the US Policy on AWS

This short contribution addresses the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) report recently published in the United States (US). This report marks an important step in defining the US’ future AI security policy and can be expected to influence the US position on questions relating to the regulation and prohibition of militarised AI. It […]