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Here you can find all our blog posts related to all our research themes in a chronological order.

Can Track II Dialogues be the New “Ping-Pong” Diplomacy to Thaw the Sino-US Relationship on Military AI?
China and the US find themselves increasingly enmeshed in a deteriorating relationship as the two countries contest for primacy across

AI and Drones in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Challenging the Expectations?
By Ingvild Bode and Anna Nadibaidze Military applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and their impacts on warfare have received much

The New Fog of War: Algorithms, Computer Vision, and Weapon Systems
War is the realm of uncertainty; three quarters of the factors on which action in war is based are wrapped

AI and Robots in Soviet and Russian Popular Culture
In this article, Anna Nadibaidze explores the artificial intelligence narratives in Soviet and Russian popular culture.

The Future of the GGE and Denmark’s Silence in the Debate about Autonomous Weapons Systems
On 17 December 2021, after eight years of (both informal and formal) discussions about the challenges raised by autonomous weapons

The Algorithmic Turn in Security and Warfare
On 6 – 7 January 2022, the AutoNorms project and the Center for War Studies (CWS) held the virtual conference

An international research project examining weaponised artificial intelligence, norms, and order
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